Eat It - A Recipe

I love to cook. I love cooking with myself, 

clear my space, gather tools, dive in.

Even more satisfying than cooking for myself, 

cooking for other people

Fluid with my food preferences, 

I see no reason to settle for only traditional recipes. 

First: always ask her preferences

-before, during, after-

in this world where women learn to feel shame for eating, 

be sure she enjoys every bite. 

Second: prep the ingredients before the recipe comes together

each ingredient laid out on the counter

attended to at various angles

applying different levels of pressure

peeling off outer layers before discovering

ripe flesh ready to further explore. 

Third: oil the pan

turn heat on low

until the oil shimmers

splash a little water

see if it sizzles.

Fourth: add the root


cook on low

inhale flesh softening juices

swirling into oil

getting hotter

Fifth: stir in spices

season with a touch of salt

pepper to taste

ask your guest how salty they like it

offer a taste before adding more

Sixth: take your time;  

a good sauce takes time to simmer 

careful not to let it boil too quickly

loses the flavor

Seventh: cover the saucepan

watch as humidity rises

lift the lid

watch accumulated liquid drip

back into heat of root softening flavor-

...ready for more?




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