evolution of zen

 evolution of zen

zen, flow, intuition, silence, science, mind, body, cells,  

surviving, thriving, invigorating, learning-

zen is to mindfulness as the tao is to flow.

mindfulness, the continual process of a mind remembering its existence. 

remembering, a feeling held in the body, experienced by the mind. 

flow, the experience of full engagement. 

tao, the wave ridden in flow. 

flow; the brain

the brain; cognition

cognition; the body

the body; a feeling

a feeling; one reality in a multidimensional world

zen found in each dimension.

one dimension of progression, in the evolution... 

once upon a time, consciousness named an experience “zen”

over centuries, consciousness followed intuition on a valuable endeavor;

 understanding tao, how to become one with it-

intuition then action lead to discovery of infinitely connected cells, 

neurons, brain hemispheres,

neurotransmitters discovered in the stomach,

memory cells found in muscle tissue throughout the body, 

expansion of research on emotional intelligence and mindfulness,  

unlocked information on grit, 

deeper understanding of sleeps multiple dimensions, 

recognizing the phenomena of cause and effect,

emergence of professions which study abstractions of zen; 

literature on the beginner's guide to riding the wave of the tao 

and many never say “tao” or “zen”. 

there is empirical evidence emerging, read it; experience it, 

unbecome everything that is not it.  

zen is not-

denying one’s potential to yield intentional influence on the experience of tomorrow. 

zen is not 

neglect of cognition, 

nor neglect of the harmony between mind, body, the tao. 

zen is not a practice immutable to the mind.

 zen is the mind, zen is the body,

 the body is the mind; zen is the body, because we are the body, for now. 

and what is the body but expression of the tao manifest? 

in another lifetime, we may shed this layer, 

then, we will re-evaluate what it means to be. 

the wise practice for that lifetime today.


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