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Miss Understood

" Miss Understood" was written for the Firehouse Galleries collaborative exhibit between Visual Artists and Poets! The collaborative piece between Betsy and I focused on female reproductive health. Link to a video of this poem being performed ! _____________________________ As the Dr. hands back my wisdom, he says - “be careful, it’s a biohazard.”  Swallowed the pill and did not ovulate for two years.  Pain and anger suppressed to market the mask of being a - “Good Girl.” Grew a backbone so strong it slipped internal, so they only saw a person doing fine.  All the Dr. could say was - “does this hurt?”  Women stay calm, until they aren’t;  then it becomes hysteria. We are all cage dancing birds,  pulling out feathers to make ourselves lighter.  How disjointed our bodies have become!  A Mother breastfeeds her child by the Boulder Creek during daylight savings time.  Eros, beautiful in the birth of a new spring crowning the mouth of the canyon...

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